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The Home of  HITECH

Springfield - M1A - Cal. 308 

Purchased new by our company - for testing our HITECH Equipment but never fired ! 
  Recently fitted with our patented 3x9x42 Tactical Pack Optics on a Springfield base.
Everything is new on this rifle and is tweaked and tricked out for ultimate accuracy!
Our HITECH Custom Shop put it together to back up another carbon copy M1A we use 
for testing. The Springfield base is installed and pre bedded to this rifle the "right way" by 
our smiths! This process provides for ultimate accuracy and allows the user to remove and 
then reinstall the complete optical assembly at any time ! With this system
you have complete access to your iron sights while the Optical Unit is on the rifle.
This M1A is guaranteed by us to be extraordinarily accurate !

This Sprinfield M1A is professionally fitted with the following: 

- HITECH 3x9x42 M14 (M1A) Percision Optical Tactical Pack  - 
(Featuring Our HITECH patented Optics and Weaver Style Bridge Mount)
- Factory Springfield Removable Weaver style Base / Mount, properly installed! -
- Special wrench we manufacture to easily R&R the Springfield base at any time! -
- One 10 round removable magazine - original box All instructions - 
Plus Springfield and HITECH Lifetime Warrantee !
 This rifle is all business!

This M1A is capable of maintaining extraordinarily tight groups ! 
Development, manufacturing and installation of our upgrade components  - makes this happen ! 
This is a rare opportunity to own a Springfield M1A that is guaranteed by us to be another 
HITECH tack driver ! 

Appraised Value  2250.00



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