17195 Silver Pkwy. Suite 135
Fenton, Michigan    48430
Order Desk: (248) 369-8350

Please fill out the fields below and press SUBMIT ORDER.
We do not need your billing address - We need your shipping address only!
Confirmation will be sent immediately to your email verifying that we have your Auction Preview order. Thank you!

   Your name on card STYLE = JOE SMITH
    Shipping Address STYLE = 19451 OAK STREET
                City STYLE = BOSTON
               State:  STYLE = MA
            Zip Code:  STYLE = 90601
       Daytime phone:  STYLE = 877 453 2145
       Email address:  STYLE = joesmith@yahoo.com

  Type of Payment:

      Payment Option:   Choose one!
       Credit Card #: STYLE = 0001 4567 2314 8984
     Expiration Date:  STYLE = 08/14 or 08/30/14
    Billing Zip Code:  STYLE = Leave Blank if same as above.

Special Instructions: STYLE = If Any

(For COD Orders fill in Charge card data field with letters "COD")